"The vision of her in my mind began to fade until I could no longer see the beautiful folds of her dress. Was she the Divine Feminine?
"I felt confused like I'd entered a multi-dimensional doorway where the arrow was pointing to Floor 13. I would have to make a decision to get off and investigate the land of 'seem' or grip the rail of physical reality and continue to sweat bullets. Anyone might feel this way given the circumstances. Who was I? Was I myself? Was I the character Maggie? Was I Eliot in control of all of these elements? I was beginning to think we were all characters in a master plot being woven through lifetimes like Eliot's masterwork, Middlemarch-weaving lives, and hopes, and dreams into an intricate and complicated web of human dialectic." ~ Karma Road
www.karmaroadwalkingthroughtime.com "The Lifted Veil stood out in the context of the parallels between George Eliot and me. I could better describe Eliot's 'double consciousness,' as mentioned in her 1860 travel journal, by describing my own similar experiences. When I was a child, I would stand and look at something beautiful for a prolonged period of time hoping to extract every detail for memory's sake: a crimson sunset, a patch of moss fetched-up in what appeared to be a fairy circle, or an acorn with its cap gone missing. I had always been good at imagery in poetry, perhaps because I was able to remember and weave together the details of things I'd seen years before as though looking at them for the first time while penning the words-just like Eliot. ~ KARMA ROAD: Walking through Time with George Eliot
www.karmaroadwalkingthroughtime.com "Eliot could sometimes be slippery! You could define her one moment, and the next she would morph beyond your radar. Imagine my surprise when I read Eliot's novella incorporating metaphysical elements. Eliot achieved almost everything she set her hand to, and this metaphysical short novel was just one more thing that Eliot threw at the shocked world in which she lived." ~ KARMA ROAD: Walking through Time with George Eliot
www.karmaroadwalkingthroughtime.com "I'd have to don the hide of Eliot. She set her mind to creating that which would express the deepest concerns of her time period as well as the perennial questions of love and morality. Somehow, her wisdom leaped from the page into her readers' lives. Whether people loved her or hated her, they bought her work. She said what most needed to be said even in the face of rejection." KARMA ROAD
www.karmaroadwalkingthroughtime.com "I needed a vacation from myself! Or from Eliot! Or both! I was zoned between some moment of reality in my own life at the manor, and some other reality involving George Eliot's family. The past life reading clarified that I had been born into her family in the past. I had to learn who the younger sister was or go mad!" KARMA ROAD by Freda M. Chaney
www.karmaroadwalkingthroughtime.com "Here I was with this knowledge of someone else's life like a millstone around my neck, but only able to share it with a few. Even in that respect I was like George Eliot and her autobiographical character, Maggie...." ~ KARMA ROAD
http://www.karmaroadwalkingthroughtime.com "I will hunt her down, cry over her father's crypt, argue with her brother, visit her childhood home, gaze at her photos...make magnanimous efforts to feel what she felt." My new book, KARMA ROAD: Walking through Time with George Eliot by Freda M. Chaney, is #1 in Amazon's HOT NEW RELEASES in Women Authors! Find out why by using the link below to order (or see the SHOP page on this website) The b/w version is at a ridiculously low price for a limited time. Watch this blog for future wild and wonderful quotes from KARMA ROAD!
http://www.amazon.com/Karma-Road-Walking-Through-George/dp/1515321398/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1439206562&sr=1-2&keywords=karma+road |