I have returned from England rich with the sights, sounds, and scents of George Eliot's aka Mary Ann(e) Evans' countryside. We arrived in Nuneaton on 23 February and stayed for three days in the house where Eliot lived for over twenty one years of her life. This homestead, Giff House, and the surrounding countryside was also the setting for her novel, THE MILL ON THE FLOSS, which is predominantly autobiographical. I will be sharing photos so that you may travel with me from your favorite armchair as I offer the flavor of Eliot's "good old Griff!" and other exciting locations with you. I also have video footage to share. The interview with John Burton, Chair of the George Eliot Fellowship, went on for three days as we dashed about the Midlands sharing tidbits as Eliot enthusiasts do. I am deeply indebted to John Burton and his wife, Lynda, for taking their time to respond to my individual dreams of learning the more personal/local aspects of George Eliot so that I can pursue the publication of GEORGE ELIOT LIVES. To be continued.... (Freda)