"So many souls waste time and energy seeking the answers everywhere but within themselves. In fact they spend lifetimes doing this. Life is not complicated really...It is very simple...It is simplicity itself...But you make it complicated. When you find life is getting too much for you...Stop-and look at a child. Life is not complicated for a child...It lives fully in the moment enjoying what it is doing." ~ God at Glastonbury speaking to Eileen Caddy from the book FOUNDATIONS OF FINDHORN, Findhorn Publications, 1976
"So what does Gregg Braden's FRACTAL TIME theory have to do with karma? Here's what I think! If you have not read Gregg's book, get it now and study how to watch for repeating cycles in your life by listing the dates when predominantly good or bad things happened. You will begin to see a pattern.
Using this list of repeating dates, go to the back of Braden's FRACTAL TIME and find the formula he created to determine when your good or bad cycles will return. This is an amazing exercise in taking a stark look at your life and controlling repeating circumstances (karma) in your life. Here's a video to get you started! http://youtu.be/J9mrWuGH_Fw " ~ Namaste! Freda M. Chaney "KARMA CAMP RULES: Life is simple really. Do what you enjoy and if at all possible, get paid for it! Try to love everyone, but be extra attentive to those who give you all they've got each day. Don't judge others if you are doing the same thing and just haven't been caught yet! Stand for causes, but don't fall for them unless you are certain of their integrity. Smile at strangers because they need to know someone cares. Always do your best, and at the end of the day, let it rest. Be divine always because you ARE." ~ Freda M. Chaney, KARMA ROAD
"We hear so many speaking of a 'higher self' but what does that really mean? I like to think of the higher self as the spiritual collective wisdom from past lives and associations, presenting itself as connected energetically with the physical body. The bodily self is animated by the energy from the higher self as well as the energy from the maintenance of the physical body. You can say there are two selves: spiritual and bodily selves, but there are really many selves as the soul imprint from past lives are part of a collective residing in the higher self.
Explaining it to myself this way helps me to understand that there IS divinity within and that the negative energy imprints from the past can be held until they are discharged, the same way a student is moved on to the next lesson or grade level when he scores well on a test. It is up to us to choose a correct karmic path. We may unload negative karma and keep that which is positive karma from the past. Either way, we are in control." ~ Freda, KARMA ROAD: GETTING OFF THE ROUND ABOUT "Every thought, word, and act has a consequence. Releasing your desire to control an outcome will free you from having to deal with karma. Think of the cat who swats at the fly in the window until he brings it down. The problem is not solved after one 'hit' because there are more and more flies the cat will need to swat. Consequently, the cat is busy endlessly chasing and swatting, and never truly satisfying its need for completion of the task.
The same goes for the hamster in the wheel who runs until he is exhausted and gets absolutely nowhere. He will face the wheel again after he regains strength. The outcome in both situations is the same, but the cat and the hamster will never stop their need to control something which they cannot seem to control. People are neither cats nor hamsters, but they take on the same tasks day in and day out as though they have some control over the outcome when often the answer is to simply observe and allow." ~ Freda What do we have to learn about momentary pleasure and its consequences? The law of cause and effect is perhaps the greatest teaching of the Buddha. http://youtu.be/odlZDiez0xU
"Don't talk about that! People will think you've lost your mind! That's what most are told when they tell someone close to them that they believe they've lived a past life. It is nearly always a waste of time telling family and friends of your 'strange' experiences or beliefs. Most in our society want to be seen as completely normal, if there is such a thing.
Research and writing have revealed that there are solid cases that prove past lives: the case of Bridey Murphy is perhaps the most famous. If you suspect that you have lived a past life, do some reading and reserach of your own. Enlist the help of a Past Life Regression therapist. Don't waste your time and energy sharing with those who will try to prove you are a nut case for believeing in past life and reincarnation." ~ Freda M. Chaney KARMA CHAMELEON http://youtu.be/JmcA9LIIXWw
"Sometimes one trigger, good or bad, can change one's perspective on life. One moment that seems etched in time is waiting for each of us, and it will transform our ways of thinking if we embrace it!
For some, there will be many triggers, many chances to evolve thinking. That's what this life is about: learning, stretching, evolving, exploring karma. Never criticize someone for thinking outside of the box! Rejoice because they've managed to get there, beyond the herd mentality!" ~ Freda M. Chaney "I was exhilarated! Words were flowing to paper: synchronus images, masterful metaphors, truths that seemed too deep for me to fathom. Soon a neat pile of 8 1/2 x 11 sheets lay on my maple desk begging for more. Over the next several months, I would be bent over my computer keyboard tapping out messages to myself. All part of the process of learning who I am, why I am here, and how George Eliot, a nineteenth century novelist, played into my karmic story." ~ Freda M. Chaney, from Chapter 16, KARMA ROAD: Getting Off the Round About